
Saturday, September 19, 2009

An Atheist Asks…?

Recently while roaming on an atheist website I found the question below interesting and decided to write a quick response to this question.

Presuming that none of you religious folk out there do not believe in the North American Indian creator-god Tirawa, may I ask: why don't you?

This is a serious question, for if you are not convinced that other gods exist (gods in whom thousands of others have believed), how may I be convinced that yours does?

1. My first and foremost reason is this. The Bible is clear about this topic. The Bible plainly states that there is one and only one God. It is simply stated as the doctrine of the Trinity. The Father is God, the Son is God, and the Spirit is God, but there is only one God. This is the reason why all other gods are a form of idolatry. The reliability of the Scriptures can be trusted. From the archeological evidence, historical evidence, fulfilled prophecy, scientific evidence, and extra-biblical sources the Bible is truthful and consistent. This is what I would die for and stake my eternal destiny on.

2. Truth by definition is very narrow. When a question is asked there is usually only one right answer and many wrong ones. 2 plus 2 is 4. Not 30, 67, or 101. Notice one right answer and billions of wrong ones. There is only one President of the United States right now. One right answer and many wrong ones. I would expect that in our natural world if there is one right answer and many wrongs one that the same is true for our spiritual life. Again, truth by its very definition provides for many, many wrong answers and only one right one.


3. Let me provide an analogy that may help to explain. Let’s say we were going to St. Louis, MO and to help us on our journey we had 100 maps explaining the way. We continue on our road trip going through each map as it takes us down dead ends, wrong roads that lead to wrong cities. After we have gone through 22 maps we begin to use map 23. Lucky for us, map 23 takes us straight to our destination. Is there any need to look at the other 77 maps? I don’t think so. You can read them to learn where NOT to go, but they cannot add any assistance to get you to your destination.

4. Maybe you agree with me or not about the topics stated above, but it all comes down to whether you believe the Bible and what your presuppositions are. I do not believe in any other gods because they Bible says they don’t exist. You can call it “begging the question” or “circular reasoning” but NOT if the Bible can be verified. If the Bible is true then all other religions are wrong by default.

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